Sunday, August 28, 2011

Schedule 8/29-9/3

Monday- 8:30am at CR
Tuesday- 4pm at CR
6pm- Parents/Athletes meet the coaches
Wednesday - 10:30 at CR
Noon- Luncheon for fall athletes
Thursday - 2:30 leave CR for scrimmage at Vineland

Friday- 8:30 at CR
Saturday - 8:30 at Parvins

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8/28- Saturday practice at CRHS, 9-10am

Friday, August 26, 2011

5K to be held 4:30pm on 8/26

The 5k scheduled for today has been moved up to a 4:30pm start. Warm up should begin at 4pm.
The park will be closing at 6pm today, due to impending weather conditions, so it was necessary to move up the run. We did not want to reschedule to Monday because we could not predict storm damage and often downed trees block trails.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Practice, practice, practice, MEET

We are now at the point of summer training where practices are required. You must be at practice, or be excused via a previous contact with your coach, or it will be counted as an unexcused practice. If you register 3 unexcused practices, you will be excused from the roster.

The NJSIAA (State governing body) requires that you attend 6 practice sessions before you are elligible to compete in a competition. Our first school xc meet is Thursday, 9/1.

Also next week: Tuesday, 8/30 - parents meeting with the coaches. Wednesday, 8/31- Athletes luncheon.